
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

60's Inspired Makeup

Hi lovelies!

I'm so glad it's Wednesday, aren't you? That means the weekend is only a short three days away!

I have a new post to share with you all today, remember when I channelled my inner Lady Gaga? If you don't, click here to refresh your memory. If you just joined us (welcome, I hope you'll stay a while!) and don't know what I'm talking about, my blogger friend Aqeela hosts a makeup challenge on her blog every week, and this week, the theme was 60's inspired makeup!

Now, I was obviously not around during this era (and if you think I was, I might have to hurt you), but every time I think of the swinging sixties, I think of Twiggy! Twiggy was known for her sleek blonde crop, wide eyes, black liner and dramatic eyeshadow/eye makeup, all while managing to look pensive and innocent. Quite the feat when you think about it! Not sure who Twiggy is? Let me jog your memory!

(Taken from Google Images)

I don't always manage to participate in Aqeela's themes as time often away from me, but I do enjoy participating when I can as it's always great fun and all the girls always come up with the most amazing looks.

I didn't have as much time and energy to devote to this theme as I'd have liked, as I have been unusually busy and also a little bit under the weather, but I had great fun putting my own spin on the classic 'Twiggy' look. I couldn't be bothered with false lashes so I just drew them on with a fine liner brush and some black shadow!

Products used:

White and black shadow from the Beauty UK Day and Night palette
Black gel liner from the Beauty UK Amazon Palette
Bourjois white pencil for the waterline
Maybelline The Falsies waterproof mascara

Mineral makeup sample

Mirenesse Lip Bomb #10

I hope you enjoyed my 60's inspired look, it was great fun doing this look and my only regret is not having enough time/energy to do a better job! Don't forget to check out Aqeela's blog for the rest of the contributions to this week's theme!

Much love,


  1. Wow your recreation is fab :) love the look :)

  2. Love it Nalini! I love Twiggy too, I think she looks fabulous now too, she's aged so well

    1. Tell me about it, Twiggy is so gorgeous, isn't she? Both then AND now! :)

  3. This looks awesome :) I love 60's makeup too, especially the cut crease eyeshadow!

    1. Thank you, Mishelle! I have to say Twiggy is the only thing that comes to mind when I think of the sixties, what else comes to you?

      Love a good cut crease. :)

  4. Yet another beautiful look from you. I am so impressed with your skills and your ability to get a great photo. I am amazed at how difficult it is to get a good photo where it shows up the detail of the makeup and the colours used. Well done. x

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Kate, your words always put a big smile on my face. I actually really struggle to get decent photos, particularly in the lighting in my flat! It always looks so much nicer in real life.

      But you just have to click away and hope that you get one nice photo for every 10 you take. :)


  5. Stunning eyes and photos hon - love the lower lashes, at first I thought it was a shadow from your top ones, so clever :-) You and grey are perfect partners...

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Kat! It's actually white, not grey, but I don't know why it came off looking more grey in the photos! :)

  6. Love it! The wing tipped eye line you drew looks perfect. Mine always end up unbalanced. Also, did you know they have falsies for bottom lashes? Yep they do!

    1. Aw, thank you! I have no idea how I did it you next time I try it for a night out it will go all wonky on me. :P

      Must try these lower lash falsies sometime!

  7. Oh wow! Wish I could carry this off - I actually have ridiculously long (thankfully blonde) lower lashes so I have to avoid wearing mascara otherwise I'd look like Twiggy every day, lol!

    1. I bet you can, just have to play around to adapt it to suit you!

      You're so lucky! Actually, I can't remember if I actually put mascara on my lower lashes lol...I can think of worse fates than looking like Twiggy every day. ;)

  8. Ok there's no way i can ever achieve this look. EVER!
    Lord.. love it.

    1. You can do it! Just takes a wee bit of practice...and tape helps. :D

  9. You are super freaking talented!

  10. I love what you did with the bottom lashes, what a great idea! Your whole look absolutely rocked! Well, all of the girls did! We all did a great job with a rather limited range ;)

    1. Oh, thank you! Never underestimate my genius when it comes to laziness. :P

      Loved all the looks!


  11. I love Twiggy too - and his looks so amazing, and it suits you so well too! Well done for recreating this so well!!!


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