Monday, January 23, 2012

Beauty blogger swap?

Hey lovelies,

I had a random (crazy?) idea today!

I know my blog is quite new and I know there are quite a few other bloggers who started out at about the same time, and this thought occured to me today, what about a blog article swap?!

This is roughly what I had in mind. Basically, I'd write one beauty blog article for you, and you write one for me. We'd sign off at the end of the article as ourselves and also provide a link to our own blogs. All you need to do is mail the article together with photos, if any, to the author of the blog and they just have to publish it, so there'd be no need to give out sign in details.

The theory behind it is, you get an interesting new article written in a different style to your own blogging style, and hopefully, increase your reader base at the same time! Win!

Let me know if you think that's a funky idea you'd be keen on participating in. :)

Much love,


  1. I really love this idea! I'm in! :) email me at and we can talk more about it. XO

  2. Deal! An email should be making it's way to you shortly!


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